Following on from the incident on Saturday, 18th May 2024, we received further reports of inbound calls with no audio. However, this time the issue was slightly different as they were receiving two call legs instead of one. When the call was answered, the call connected and had inbound audio, however, the call continued ringing, and when it was answered again, there was no audio. We saw this impacted the same carrier that had the issues on 18/05/2024 and re-escalated the incident to them directly.
Whilst the fix implemented on Saturday was believed to have resolved the incident, it appeared our carrier missed some media IPs, to resolve this, the carrier migrated the remainder of the media IPs to the new route, ensuring the RTP traffic was routed correctly.
We are working closely with the carrier to ensure they adhere to our standards regarding our Change Management process and confirm they notify Gradwell before they roll out any changes to their platform that could impact the way we present calls to our customers. Please accept Gradwell’s apologies for the service disruption and the impact it has had on your business.